Talib Kweli + Hi-Tek are Reflection Eternal – “Strangers (Paranoid)”

“Train Of Thought” is a classic record. Classic.

It has been 10 years since Reflection Eternal put out a new full length album. 10 years.

So, to say that a new album from the duo of Talib Kweli and Hi-Tek is anticipated is an understatement. But, as their YouTube channel shows us, our patience is going to be rewarded with another great album. The video above is just one of the new songs that are headed our way next week, when “Revolutions Per Minute” drops (May 18th).

The National – “Bloodbuzz Ohio”

The National – “Bloodbuzz Ohio” (official video) from The National on Vimeo.

This song is pretty awesome. The National are starting to grow on me. At first I kept thinking that the Crash Test Dummies meets Joy Division sound was going to be something I couldn’t get past. But, as I explored a few tracks, I found them to be more Leonard Cohen or, gasp, Bruce Springsteen. Then I heard a few cuts from their last album, “Boxer,” and their most recent album, and I have to say, I’m feeling it.

The National’s new album, “High Violet,” came out yesterday. Go get it on the cheap… it’s like 8 bucks. You’re welcome.

“Is there any way you could breathe a little quieter?”

TomTom has announced a new Darth Vader voice pack, available now to download (for $13). Yoda, C3PO, and Han Solo are coming soon… although it would take some serious convincing to get me to switch from Homer Simpson. Besides, who would you rather work in the studio with: a guy with a penchant for beer and donuts (yes, please), or the Dark Lord of the Sith?

They Might Be Giants still confuse me…

Birdhouse in Your Soul – They Might Be Giants from They Might Be Giants on Vimeo.

When I was much younger, I (like everyone else in my generation) was introduced to They Might Be Giants quirky, “everybody-friendly” music by their cover of the song “Istanbul, Not Constantinople,” as featured in a Tiny Toon Adventures cartoon.

Man, I am getting old. I just used the phrase “like everyone else in my generation.”

At any rate, I soon acquired They Might Be Giants wildly popular album, “Flood,” and was hooked. It wasn’t “Istanbul” that had me, though, or the song “Particle Man” – which was also featured on Tiny Toons – but the song featured in the video above: “Birdhouse In Your Soul.”

I had no idea at the time what the song was about, and the video didn’t really clear it up… but I have now found out that the song is sung from the point of view of a night light, so there you go. This song is actually their highest charting single, and is, in my humble opinion, their best song. It perfectly captures their madness, their subtle genius, and their musical whimsy. It has obscure lyrics, interesting instrumentation, and a key change. It sums up everything about them in a tidy 3 minutes. If you like this song, you like them. And if you don’t like this song, there is probably something wrong with you.

I’m just sayin’, it’s a fun song. Don’t you like to have fun?