Scrambled Crates 8

After a massive hard drive failure and a week of sweating, tears, ulcers and general stressed-out-ed-ness…

Um, yeah…

I am happy to report that all is well in the land of Mike B. I have a new hard drive, I have recovered months worth of work, and I have replaced almost every single lost application, file, mp3, picture and document, and by the end of the week I will be back to work on both forthcoming albums.

The moral of the story is ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR FILES. I’d like to think I’ve learned my lesson.

But while I was dealing with hard-drive-hell, this happened:

Scrambled Crates 8 by JillzWorth_

As always, the lovely @Jillzworth hooked up the track from which the beats sprang forth (poetic, I know). Check out her awesome site over at Them Fighting Words. This time around, she put the whole Soundcloud set up for easy sharing, so please take a little time to check out all of the awesome producers involved. Then, you can skip to this one if you like:

Dusty Fingertips by JillzWorth_

The World’s Best Tetris Player

You really have to watch this entire video all the way through to totally appreciate it, but if you wanna get to the good parts, start by jumping to about the 2:50 mark, and watch as the game really starts to speed up.

Then click ahead to about the 5 minute mark, when the blocks become INVISIBLE.

Amazing. I thought I was the shit when I hit, like, level 120…